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Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Consultation

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Consultation


Dear Parents/Carers

It has been wonderful to have our children back in school again and we hope that things will continue to improve.

Although we are all still living with Covid restrictions, I am writing to tell you about our PSHE consultation. We have prepared our PSHE curriculum, so that we can be in a position to teach from it from the summer term. The PSHE curriculum includes the statutory requirement for relationships education. We have been mindful of government guidance, which includes that the religious backgrounds of pupils must be taken into account. At our school, relationships education consists of the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships of all kinds. This will start with family and friends, how to treat each other with kindness, and recognising the difference between online and offline friendships. Our curriculum does not promote a particular lifestyle, but universal values such as kindness to everyone, respect for everyone, helping others and treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves. There is no right of withdrawal from the PSHE curriculum. The right of withdrawal only applies to sex education. Sex education is not compulsory for primary schools. We will not be teaching sex education at our school.

We have always taught our older children (years 5 and 6) about puberty and how to deal with the changes that they will experience. This part of the curriculum will continue with the same content as before. We have always shared this with parents of children in years 5 and 6. Although there will be no right of withdrawal, as this is part of the curriculum, we will inform parents before the children in years 5 and 6 cover this topic, as we have always done. We are sensitive to the views of parents about these matters, so teaching of puberty in years 5 and 6 will continue to be delivered to girls and boys separately, with female staff teaching the girls and male staff teaching the boys.

Our PSHE curriculum is available to look through on our website and I would like to request that you look through it, as part of this consultation. Please contact the school office and arrange to speak with myself if you have any questions, concerns or comments. The consultation period will be open from Friday 12th March to Friday 26th March 2021. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely

Maneer Samad


Links to the PSHE curriculum and other information are below.









Policy - Growing Up and Relationships

Department of Education FAQs